Sunday, November 6, 2016

love, life, and loss

Hi old friend. Hard to believe its been over a year and a half since I last posted. Even though I have gone through seasons of not posting much, I have had this blog since I was in 8th grade and love coming back to it from time to time. I have written in the joyous seasons and the tough times too. Its a treasure to read back at years old posts and see what has come of life since then. While I wont take the time in this post to recap all that has happened in my life in the last 17 months, I wanted to share something I actually started a few weeks back, but finally got around to finishing today.

As you have gathered from my title, this post is about love, life, and loss - something that became all too real to me this summer. The summer months are always interesting to me. I am not sure if it is the lack of routine, the change in season, or what, but this summer was no different. I started it off by graduating from a 2 year leadership school I had been in, then began a new job at my church. At this point it really started to hit me that I live in Spokane now. My whole life was spent elsewhere, but now, for the foreseeable future, it is here. That is both wonderful and hard, especially for a girl like me who used to be afraid of (but is now learning to embrace) change. I still think about how life used to be just a few years ago and sometimes miss it. I feel like I have lost much of what I had growing up. Church. Friends. Those I was once close to. Some days I think about those things and it is incredibly hard. It seemed like there were a lot of days like that this summer. 

Then that whole sense of "loss" hit me so hard one day in August. August 3rd. I was at a church conference with the staff at our church. I was walking out of our session to meet up with our group. As I got closer I realized something was not right. I asked my friend Gabrielle "what is going on?". Nothing could have prepared me for her response. She went on to tell me that Thomas had passed away. I could barely stand or breathe. Thoughts began racing through my head. What was she talking about? Thomas was my friend. He was happy. He was a very important person in our young adult community at church. He had his whole life ahead of him. How could he have taken his own life? It just did not seem real. In shock with tears streaming down my face, I walked to the car. I sat inside and thought about his life and in denial that he was actually gone. Jordan leaned over and held me. Thomas meant a lot to both of us. During our first year of SL we carpooled to class every day with Thomas. We made a lot of memories with him. I then began thinking about when was the last time I had seen Thomas. It was at church, the Sunday before. I remember giving him a hug and him telling me "you're beautiful sis". That was Thomas, an encourager to the core. He also had the best smile. It broke my heart to think I would never give him a hug or see that huge grin again. At least not on this side of heaven.

That day changed my whole perspective on life. The days after were spent crying, remembering, and spending time with our church community. I realized that week, that life truly is short. It is a saying you hear all the time, but now it is very real to me. And it has changed the way I live. I want to make the very most of this life I have been given. Now, more than ever, I want people around me to know how much I love, value, and believe in them. Who knows how long we will have them. I am not saying I want to live in fear of death, but rather in appreciation of the present, however long it may be. I no longer want to take my days for granted. I want to love and live well. 

I still cry about losing Thomas. Whenever we have big church events, I often think he should be here. His memory will live on in my heart. I look forward to telling my future kids about him. I know I will see him again in Heaven one day. 

Until then, I am going to live and love to the fullest. I hope you choose to do so too.  


Friday, April 10, 2015

i'm baaack

Hello again. As I am sure you noticed, I took a little blogging break. So much has happened in these last 7 months. I will let the pictures do the talking.

back to October...
apple picking with Maggie

her middle name is Joy - perfect, right?

Greenbluff, WA

I surprised my family and best friend KoL and came home for Thanksgiving

coffee dates with one of the best

Violet joined the world on December 21st

Christmas!! Oh the joys of a new Spiderman puzzle

girls retreat in February in Idaho

one of many road trips to Seattle

back seat buddies

sunset hikes in CDA

home for spring break & Easter with the fam

Spidey is always fighting "crime"

Vi isn't so tiny anymore, ha!

three out of five // missing Josiah + Samara

best parents I could have ever asked for

I have had the privilege of being home this past week. Its been a full and fun break. I am enjoying the last few days before I go back on Sunday. 

happy weekend!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

times, they are a changin'

I can't believe the last time I posted was almost 3 months ago. Woops. I was a little busy, I guess.

And by busy, I mean I moved! Ha! Sarah, the girl who always wanted life to look the same and always planned on living in the greater Seattle area...well she doesn't live there anymore. God told me to move, so I did. It's as simple as that. I was nervous and afraid throughout the whole process, but God's abundant grace was upon me the whole time. And just like that I have been living here in Spokane for two weeks already. At first it felt like I was on a trip here and that I'd be going home after a week or two. It's finally starting to settle in that I live here now. Permanently. For 9 months. Or longer. Who knows. I could see God keeping me here for a while. I'm sure He will reveal that to me in due time though. 

I took a walk to a coffee spot today. While walking I was reflecting on life. These 2 weeks have been nothing short of incredible and emotional. I mean I have only been here for a short while, but I feel like I know my new friends so well. It's like we've been friends for years. I am beginning to see the benefit of trusting and obeying God. I am daily amazed that God would bring me here and plant me in such a wonderful place. However I do miss my family back home. I cry a lot. But I also smile a lot because I know God is so good. He has me here for a purpose. I was made for this. These past 2 years have stretched me so much. For the longest time I was frustrated and didn't understand why I had to go through what I did. Then I realized God has been preparing me for this new season of life.

Our class just got back from a week long retreat. It was so great. One day we had the option of doing a high ropes/ climbing coarse. Being the competitive and somewhat tenacious girl I am, I decided to do it. At first it was pretty easy, but as I climbed higher and higher I got weaker. At one point I was just hanging and taking a little breather before trying to finish the course. I was really having a difficult time. I was so close to the top, but not quite there. The people on he ground asked me if I wanted to be let down. I don't know where it came from, but this strong "NO!" came out of my mouth. It was at that time that I realized something. I am not a quitter. There have been so many times in these past 2 years I could have easily given up...and even had good reasons too. But that's not me. I don't quit. Even when things get tough, through the strength of the Lord, I keep on going. God has great things for me. How awful would it be if I just gave up because at one point in time things got tough?

I read this quote on Ann Voskamps blog the other day. "The hard things will be for good. The good things will be forever. The best things are forthcoming." This inspires me to keep going. God only knows what lies ahead. While there may be hard things in the future, there are definitely good things awaiting me. 

I am so grateful to be on this new adventure & will continue to keep you all posted.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

living at the lake

That's basically what I have been doing lately. Everyday for that past week its been near 90 degrees so naturally I have been at the lake almost daily. Sometimes life calls for a swim, but on the weekends I like to vary it up a bit. Since I started my new office job (more on that later!), weekends have taken on a whole new meaning. Like, I have to make the most of them! This weekend was most definitely that!

 On Saturday my mother and I rented a double kayak. While our coordination still needs some work, the idea of being out on the water with my mom is just the best. And if that wasn't enough, I decided I needed to go paddle boarding on Sunday. I mean it was HOT this weekend. I went with a great friend who had never been. I kept telling her it really wasn't that hard and she would be great. I then made the giant mistake of telling her that I have been paddle boarding multiple times and never fallen off. Well lets just say pride comes before a fall...literally. I think my center of gravity must have been really off on Sunday because I fell in not once, not twice, but three times. Ha! Every time I came up laughing at myself. But hey, it felt SO good. The water practically felt warm because of how hot its been. The hardest part was just getting back on the board, otherwise the falling in part was lovely! 
Needless to say, I am trying to make visiting the lake a daily thing. I know that when I move I am going to miss it so much! But until then, 10pm swims and the joys falling off my paddle board will just have to continue.

Stay cool my friends.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

enjoying the now & looking to the future

My friend posted this quote the other day & its been going through my head ever since.

"Real life, I've finally learned, is created by stacking normal days, one on top of the other, for decades, and living each of those days as fully as possible, embracing whatever each day brings."
- Richard Dahlstrom 

Living in the now- its something I have not been doing well lately. I am excited about what my future holds. In fact, I cannot wait for it. I want it to be here now. I have been so caught up in what is to come, that I am forgetting what I have now.

Have I mentioned what the future holds yet? Well, as most of you already know, I will be moving to Spokane in September! I was recently accepted into School of Leadership at Victory Faith. I am so excited to be going there. The Lord put it on my heart in December & since then He has revealed His goodness to me over and over again. For that past 2 years there hasn't felt like much of a plan in my life. But now, there is! I am looking forward to this next year with great anticipation. God is going to great things. But until September, there is still the now. It is great to be excited for what is to come, but I can't just let these next 3 months pass by while I wait for September. What a waste that would be! I am now realizing that I only have 3 short months left here in this beautiful city. I need to be enjoying this time now more than ever! I guess all I needed was a little perspective change. I want to embrace & enjoy every day between now and the day I move. This summer I want to make memories. I plan to go the lake all the time, spend time with friends, and enjoy life. No matter where I am, no matter who I am with, I want to find joy in that day. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

happy pictures.

Most of these pictures are from Easter, but hey, better late than never right? Our Easter was fantastic. I loved being able to spend it with family. These pictures are proof of a great time. They all make me smile.

 We like to fly around here :)

 This picture just melts my heart!

Happy Spidey! 

All a girl needs: a princess gown & her auntie's bunny

Spidey wears a tutu.

He's got that duck lip thing down!
Hope you smiled! :)