Sunday, July 31, 2011

Definitely missing her

Only 2 weeks and 1 day until she comes home :)
P.S. My next post is my 100th post {yippeee!}, and being that I am going to left coast tomorrow night {!!!!!}, my 100th post will be tons of picture from my adventure. Also since I don't get internet down there in the mountains, my next post probably wont be until next week, so goodbye for a little bit. I promise I will be back eventually. :)

Special things that come with summer...

One of my favorite and most special things that comes with summer is blueberries. I love them so much. I was so delighted the other day when my dad came home with 15 lbs. of them. And since then we probably have gotten 10lbs., but we have bagged about 10lbs. up to freeze. Wont those just be so incredible in the winter?! Here are the blueberries and me!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

13 years ago today

13 years ago today was probably one of the hardest days my family has ever had. I was only 2 and don't remember everything, but I know that it was still hard. 13 years ago today my eldest brother, Josiah who was 11 at the time, was diagnosed with lymphoma. He went through a long process of Chemotherapy and many other tests. After several months of treatment the doctors told my parents there was nothing else they could do for Josiah and gave him only a few months to live. My parents got a word from the Lord that we needed to change our diet. Since then we have been vegetarians. We also at that point cut out dairy out of our diet. Soon after we changed our diet, the Lord healed my brother from his cancer. He is now 23 (almost 24) and is a young man so full of life and a man running after the Lord. His story is such a great example of God's ability to heal and restore. Josiah's story reminds me that God is always faithful no matter what we go through. I am so grateful to God for his faithfulness and for healing my brother. I am so glad I got to grow up with such an incredible older brother. I am glad that I actually got to know him and that he is still here today encouraging everyone he meets and the big smile he has that brightens any ones day. I love how you are a such an incredible uncle to you niece and nephew. I love to watch you play with Little Ross especially. I love you so much Josiah and am glad that we get to celebrate today the Lord's faithfulness in you life.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Today I have been thinking about how much I appreciate all of my siblings. I mean I have appreciated them all in the past, but I think I do more now than ever just because most of them are all gone. Samara is in England going to school at oxford, Jeremiah is currently in Seattle working long days, Josiah still lives at home, but has a very busy work schedule, and Melissa is married and lives in Monroe with her husband and two wonderful kiddos. Oh and I forgot to mention that my mom is also currently in England visiting my sister. With all of them being gone, today was another day at home by myself, and those who know me know that I really dislike being home alone. But that is how I got to spend my day. I love to be with people, but I guess that is not what God wants for me right now. He is teaching me to find him and enjoy my summer even when it is just me and Him. I have been thinking of past summers when Jere and I used to play baseball in our backyard almost everyday. I miss that. I remember when Samara and I used to have dates to downtown Kirkland. I miss that too. I remember when Josiah and Jeremiah would go to Waverly beach and swim together. I remember when I used to play board games with my family in the evening. I miss all of these things so much. It is crazy how life can change in just a few years, even when we don't want it to. I must say that I am so excited for September. By then, my sister Samara will be back from England, and my brother Jeremiah, will be living back at home again. But for now I just need to press into the Lord for what he wants for me in these next couple days.
On another note, next week I will get to say goodbye to loneliness, below average summer weather, and Seattle, WA and say hello to friends, HEAT (!), and Mineral, California! :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

letters in pink

Just a few minutes ago I went to go and get the mail. I opened the mail box, grabbed the mail, then spied a pink envelope. I thought surely no buisness would send some thing to my dad in a pink envelope. So I quickly flipped through the mail to see what we got, I finally flipped to the pink envelope and saw that on the front it was addressed to MISS SARAH SURFACE. I then realized too that it was adressed from England. Yes the letter I got in the mail is from my wonderful sister Samara who I miss oh so much. She is studying at Oxford this summer and well I miss her. If you are interested in following her adventures in England, here is her blog that you can follow.

Left Coast

Every year my church's youth group does something called Left Coast. It is similar to a youth retreat. Last year we went down to Mineral, California. We joined with some other church youth groups from California. We also joined with our sister church, Christ Church Monroe's youth group, which my sister and brother in law lead. We get to spend a wonderful week in the mountains in Mineral. This picture below is a picture of the wonderful ladies I got to room with. Starting from the left: Kaylan, Mackenna, Megan, and me. They are such awesome woman of God, who I just love! I can't wait for this year. It is going to be a blast!
Mackenna and I

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July!

I absolutely loved the 4th of July and thought I would share some pictures with you. These are my favroites. I hope you had a great one too!