Friday, October 12, 2012

the unfortunate truth

that truth is that...well, I have not posted in a month. Lets just say I underestimated how busy I would be with work, volleyball, fbla, and my junior/senior year. I could have brought you a post today that was filled with pictures I have been meaning to post for the last month. Pics from a recent photo shoot, from the pumpkin patch, from a beach getaway. I might still post those pictures at some point, but something a bit more exciting has happened this week! 

My nephew was born! Jack Valiant Steven Baker was born on Tuesday morning. The cutest 5lb. baby I ever saw!

Due to a recent Whooping Cough epidemic in the area the hospital would not lot anyone under the age of 18 into the maternity wing unless a sibling of the child. Lets just say that I was not very happy about that as I am only 16. This was my first glance at him from the window outside. What a cutie he was!

I just love this pic. Father and daughter both excited for Jack.

That cute little kissable face just melts my heart.

Some very cute grandparents.


*all photo cred to Ross, Jeremiah, and my mom.

Jack you are truly adorable and I cannot wait to hold you again!