Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Its never really been my favorite subject. Last year we learned about ancient history which to me was not very interesting. I honestly didn't like learning about time periods so far back.

But. This year we are taking European History. We started off a little bit before the Reformation Era. It was interesting and all, but still not my favorite subject. Well last week we started learning about WWI and the causes, war strategies, treaties, and everlasting changes that went with it. This time of history is my absolute favorite. Obviously not because I like that so many people died. Of course not. But learning about the strategies, facts and stories behinds the wars are so intriguing  We have been watching so many documentaries that are so gripping. Today we started this documentary on the 1920's. SO interesting. If you have the 45 minutes and love to learn, then watch it. This documentary is part of a whole series that ABC's late Peter Jennings made about the whole 20th century. What a cool thing it is to have a whole century documented and analyzed. And especially such an interesting century.

There is my little rant about History. So loving it right now. Thanks you Dr. Simon for being the best history teacher ever.
Enjoy your Thursday

Monday, March 18, 2013

Did I tell you?

Did I tell you that... February I made over 300 cupcakes in one night? For Valentines Day my friend and I baked over 300 red velvet cupcakes for an FBLA fundraiser. It took some time and effort, but at the end, I loved looking at my tiny masterpieces.

...I have the most amazing friend? Because I do! I am so blessed to have Emily in my life. We have been through a lot together, especially in this last year, which is probably why in that time we have become even closer friends. I love that we can be excited about the same things and enjoy each other's company. I mean isn't she just stunning? nephew is the absolute cutest? He doesn't just say words or short sentences anymore. He is a boy who tells you stories and is in love with his Buzz Lightyear. He is my favorite.

...I got to do a model shoot with my friend? She needed some photos expressing her style for an application. I was more than happy to oblige. During this short shoot, we made some great memories.

Desirable photo shoot locations were unattainable as we only had a lunch break to do these, but we made do with what we had.

She could so be a model. Such a beauty!

And well we had a little fun too :)

There, I told you. My life so full right now, but every little bit is so worth it. 
Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I have a new admiration for those who consistently post while in school. School has been crazy to say the least, but God has grace for me in this season. So to recap the last 2 months, I will give you some snapshots of my last few weeks.

So back to February. For Valentines Day, the 5 incredible guys in our class, took us 5 ladies to dinner and then to a park. It was lovely. We watched the most beautiful sunset together, laughed, and made many memories.

Spirit Week. James Bond day.

Spirit Week. School colors.

These past few weeks have been busy, but wonderful. The next 2 months are filled with more excitement than I can imagine! In 2 weeks we go on spring break. The week after I leave for Italia for 10 days. 3 days after I get back I leave for FBLA state. 1 week after that the 9th-12th grade will be heading up to La Conner to stay the night in the beach cabins and enjoy 2 days away. 2 weeks after that is the ambassador ball. Wow that brings us the the middle of May. Shortly after that my Junior year will be over. I simply cannot believe it! I have a lot to work on before these wonderful string of events takes place. Right now it is time to work hard so later I can play hard. Enjoy your weekend!

Sincerely, a girl trying to cherish the moments