Tuesday, January 28, 2014


This is a day I will be remembering for quite some time. It was on this day I received my diploma from high school. It was on this day I transitioned from one phase of life into the next. It was on this day I finally felt I could look forward in hope. Yes, on Friday I graduated high school, but for me the day was about more than just getting my diploma, as exciting as that was. :) For obvious reasons, these past two years have been hard, but in graduating I felt that those things need not hold me back anymore. I am now a high school graduate who is starting college in 2 months. Can that really be true? I find it hard to believe that I am already at this stage in life. Part of me is afraid of this entirely new phase, but the other part of me is thrilled to be moving on. That is all I have wanted to do for the past year, and now I am - ready or not- moving on. 

Graduation Day, was quite spectacular though. The day started off with my mother surprising me by telling me we are going to San Diego next week. That is quite the stellar senior trip if you ask me! I am excited to say the least. The majority of the day I spent finishing my life board and speech, but only with the help of my amazing friend, KoL. She spent most the day with me and in the evening we got ready together. On Friday night, I did my makeup, I curled my hair, and I slipped into my dress, but it still did not feel real that I was graduating. That was until I put on my cap and gown. I looked in the mirror and saw a very happy girl. I would not have described myself that way too many times lately, but on Friday, I was most definitely happy. The time came for the graduation to start. Pomp and Circumstance began to play. I walked down that aisle with probably the biggest smile on my face in a long time. I had worked so hard for so long and at times wanted to give up, but didn't. This. This was the culmination of it all. I had made it.

In my opinion, the graduation went better than I could have ever expected. I was truly blessed and am grateful for each person who shared it with me. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Its going to be the best week.

Well folks, it has come down to this. The final week. I can hardly believe that in just 6 days I will be a graduate. These past few weeks have been filled with nothing less than hard work and now I can see it all paying off. All I have left to do is turn in is my senior thesis, a history paper, and watch some videos about Italian artists. And that is it. Just like that it will all done. My senior year all done in just 4 1/2 months.

It is so crazy to think about where this journey called school has led me. I started out with 19 amazing students. Through the years the dynamic and number changed- most dramatically during my junior year. Would I have ever picture or wanted  to graduate by myself? No. But God did. I am learning every day to trust his plan. Is it hard at times? Absolutely. Really hard in fact. I so wish I could be sharing these lasts with someone, sharing classes with someone, sharing memories with someone. As such a nostalgic person it is hard not to recount funny stories from elementary school. There are so many times where I have wished this could all be different, but through the hardship, pain, and tears, I fully trust the Lord. At times I feel abandoned, but then I remember He has brought me this far. He wont leave me now. He will never leave me. 

Onward I go. On Friday I will be launched into another phase of life. Who knows what it will hold, but I look at it with hope. My Dad reminded me of Proverbs 31:25 a couple weeks ago. He reminded me that with these hardships, I have also grown. They have definitely strengthened me. "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." It is hard when I don't know what the future holds, but I want to be able to approach it without fear. All I know is that when I don't understand, I will choose Him. He is worth it all.

But, back to this week. I do know what this week holds. This week I will get to decorate my graduation board, go shopping for a new dress & shoes, catch up with great friends, and oh yes graduate with a small group of amazing people. This week will be good.

Hope your week is great too!

Friday, January 10, 2014

2 weeks

Happy Friday, in fact, Happy BLUE Friday! Go Hawks.

In exactly 2 weeks I will be walking down the aisle to pomp and circumstance as one happy girl. I cannot believe it is actually happening. Until then, how about a few pictures from my first photo shoot. Courtesy of the lovely Cami.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

so close, yet so far

My cap, my gown, and my tassel showed up in the mail yesterday. Graduation is just 16 days away! That's just over 2 weeks, but these 2 weeks will be productive to say the least. I have one giant checklist of everything I need to complete by then. It feels amazing to cross something off. I still have quite a bit of work ahead of me, but I can see the finish line. Cannot wait for January 24th. It will be here before I know it :)

The beginnings of a great study guide.
I have been waiting for this year for a long time. Cannot believe it is here.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Hope you all had a splendid New Year. Yesterday and today I have been seeking the Lord on what He has for me this next year. More than goals, what does he have for me spiritually. Today He spoke so clearly and I am so very excited about it. It was one of those words where you are journaling so fast to get everything He is saying.

He said "Sarah, I have called this to be a Springtime season. Though the circumstances lately have not shouted Spring, my goodness is here for you like never before. I am coming like a spring rain to wash you afresh. You will grow with me like never before. I am bringing favour. Trust me. Believe me." I don't believe that that is just for me. It is for you too.

Then He gave me these two verses:

2 Corinthians 4:16-17
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

As a girl who has always loved the snow and winter time it is odd for me to be craving the Spring. I cannot wait to see the flowers bloom, feel the sun, and begin to see life again. Though that physically wont come for another 2 months, He is bringing renewal to us spiritually.

I looked up the definition of both the words Spring and Renew.

: a time of growth and renewal

: to make something new, fresh, or strong again
:to make like new

I feel overwhelmed with the Lord's blessing right now. I am excited to see what he has in store for this season. May he so bless you as you start this new year!