Saturday, November 5, 2011

Volleyball 2011

Well today marks the end of another volleyball year for me. We had our end of the year celebration, a brunch and the Sones house. It was a blast. I will so miss volleyball the rest of this year, but am excited for next year. At our celebration though, I was blown away by the award I recieved. Each year Coach Heidi gives out three awards, one for most valuable player, most inspirational player, and most improved player. I was awarded most improved player. I was schocked to say the least. What an honor it is to be given that award. I cannor go further though without thanking my most amazing coaches: Coach Heidi and Coach Tong. Also there is another person that I must thank, and that would be my brother Jeremiah. He has helped me countless of hours during the season. He was kind of like my personal coach. I have loved every bit of this season. All in all i have to say this morning was great. I got to have brunch with my team, recieve an award that I was so honored to get, and my dad suprised me on the way home by taking me to starbucks and getting a red cup! It was my first one too. I am saving for Christmas presents, italy, and other things, so I am cutting my expenses wherever necessary, which means less starbucks, which is why I haven't had a red cup, but my dad totally blessed me and I was so grateful. So here was my happy morning in pictures :)
What did you do this morning?