Sunday, November 10, 2013

A few thoughts...

It is Sunday night. That means I am ready to clear my head. Ready or not, here I go :)

1. Tomorrow is Veterans Day. As a school we will be honoring veterans from local retirement homes. We have done this for years and it is so special.

2. I saw my Nephews and Niece yesterday and today. Two days in a row is such a special treat.

3. Homework and studying are my life right now. I wish it could look as picturesque as this, but I make do with what I have.

4. Yesterday I played my last High School Volleyball game...ever. I cannot believe its over. Yes, I cried. It was such a bittersweet ending. Volleyball has definitely helped shape my character these past 4 years. I am so grateful I joined the team as a freshmen. I built so many lasting friendships. Ugh. Crying. Again.

5. Pastor Norm had the most amazing message today on LOVE. At the beginning of the school year, one of my goals was to really grow in loving people unconditionally. When we want to grow is something, the Lord is faithful to test us. To be honest I have failed a lot of those test recently. It has been hard to love people at times. Then this message came at such a perfect time. It was so encouraging.

6. I am excited for the future. MC's next year and hopefully Bellevue College the year after that. We will see though. I just really cannot wait to be in school for interior design.

7. Along with most people, I love this time of year. At this time we are reminded of gratefulness. It is a month in which we gather with family to celebrate God's goodness. I love that. One of the biggest things I am most grateful for is the Lord's unfailing love on our family. Both my mother and brother fought cancer. They are both survivors and testimonies of God's healing power. It is so good to reflect on how extremely good He is.

Happy November

Monday, November 4, 2013

one of those days

Do you ever have one of those days? One that is filled with excitement, hilarity, and joy? Well today was like that.

The morning started off by heading to the orthodontist office to get my braces removed. Yes, removed! I am happy to say the least.

As the day progressed we had the average funny moments as a class, but lunch time today was particularly exciting. It was just a casual Monday lunch, so I thought. I was eating some wheat-thins and cheese along with some applesauce. I was feeling especially kind and willingly shared my wheat-thins with some friends at the table- even though it threw off my cracker to cheese ratio. I had just opened my applesauce and stuck the spoon in when two "friends" ;) reached for my wheat-thins bag and accidentally smacked the spoon which caused the cup of applesauce to go flying...flying straight into my face and hair. It was messy to say the least. Laughter ensued at our lunch table. I was laughing so hard I was crying. I could have been upset that I would have to deal with having applesauce in my hair for the rest of the day, but instead I just laughed. Its a memory I don't think I will forget :)

These are the days of a Senior and Junior at CCA. They each look a little different, but they are filled with unforgettable moments. I like to cherish them...the good ones and the bad ones. :)