Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday & Saturday

Fall is definitely here. The rain and cold have made their little selves very welcome here. And honestly I love it as long as I am under a nice warm blanket.

With fall comes a pretty busy season too. I think there were only 3 nights this week where I was home before 9 and even then it was 7 or 8. School, homework, volleyball practice, FBLA meetings, work, and dance productions filled up this week. How is volleyball you may ask? Its going pretty well. We have only played one league game and won that one. This past week we played 2 teams that are above are league. We lost both, but are playing both again in the next two weeks. I am excited to play them again and hopefully come out with a W. For the past 2 weeks we have had spirit days on Friday. How fun.

Good friends make spirit days even more fun :)

If there is one word to describe how I have felt yesterday and today, it would be this: sore. But thankfully I have had a lovely Saturday off to recover. I started off my day by sleeping in. It was glorious. I did a little bit of homework and then my sister and her family swung by to say hi. I love them so very much. Today as my nephew was getting ready to leave he whispered in my ear "Auntie Sar, I love you to the galaxy and back." Melt my heart. He is such a sweet boy.

And now I am cozily sitting in my house sipping coffee and watching the the rain. It has been raining SO hard today. But I love it as long as I am dry and am just observing it. Today I will most likely just finish some homework and have fun with my mom. The men's retreat was this weekend, so my mom and I have enjoyed it just being the two of us. Last night after my volleyball game we went to dick's and got milk shakes then came home and watched Safe Haven. I love mom & me days. 

But for now, homework is my battle. Often times I would much rather browse pinterest than read about the uprising in Syria. But at least I have a warm cup of coffee to help me enjoy it more. By the way, did you know tomorrow is national coffee day? It is! Enjoy a nice cup on this windy & rainy weekend. 

-chérir les moments-

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Its official...

Its official! Fall is upon us! I am ecstatic to say the least. The season of sweaters, scarfs, rain, cold, snow (maybe :) coffee, pumpkins, and football is here. I am excited to completely embrace fall fashion. Today I wore my boots to church. What a good feeling it was to slip those one for the first time in months. My cute niece wore her boots today too. Can you say adorable?!?! 

So far I have planned a few fall things. In 2 weeks I will be heading to the pumpkin farm an finding my way through a wonderful Washington state corn maze and then picking out the perfect little pumpkin for my room. At the end of October I will be going to a UW football game. During the weeks I will busy with volleyball practices and games. I can't wait to thoroughly embrace fall.

Monday, September 16, 2013


This past week was my first week of school and at my new job. It all went great. But I must say the first week of school didn't feel right not having Miss Unger there. She is my dear friend and it was great to have her back at school today. 

And work has been amazing. Working for the Allen's is so much less stressful. I can't believe how blessed I have been with this job. Some days I just fold laundry and other days I watch the kids ride their bikes.

This girl has such a sweet heart and smile.

I have been watching these kids since Bentley was just 1 year old. It so fun to watch them grow up.

Happy Monday! 

Monday, September 9, 2013


Today was my last first day of school. You read that right. How can this be though? I remember my first day of kindergarten so vividly! I remember wearing my favorite little black dress (which happened to have barbie written across the front). How can it possibly be my senior year already?! As you can tell its very unreal for me. I am sure as the days ensue I will grasp this crazy reality. But for now I thought id tell you about the first day. One word: fantastic! 

Just moments after Emily and I had settled into our lockers, Janis surprised us with Starbucks and flowers. How blessed are we?! Janis has always been a great friend to both of us and the really cool thing is that she is Dr. Simon's intern for our International Politics & Economics class this year. Isn't that just too much fun? She is at 2 out of our 3 classes each week. Emily and I are very excited.

Shortly after that Kelsey showed up just to say hi on our first day. Bless that girls heart! She is such a great friend to Emily and I. Being in class with her this past year was such a privilege and I am grateful to know her!

The classes and the day went great. We started off with Classic Lit with Dr. J. That class sounds like its going to be challenging, interesting and fun as we delve deep into mythology. Then we had a couple study halls (perks of the senior year :). This year I have the great privilege of being Mr. Whelham's teacher assistant or Geometry Queen as the classed name me today. I am very excited to be helping the 9th grade learn geometry this year. Then we had ethics with Dr. Simon. This is the first time this course has been taught since Pastor Trout's passing, so we are pioneering a new class and a new curriculum. It will be an adventurous year. Next we had rhetoric with Mrs. Packer. And boy was that a blast. Then we wrapped up the day with International Politics and Economics in Dr. Simon's office.

I am so excited for what this year holds. It is going to be a great. Emily, I am so grateful God has placed us together. Can't wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

rain rain don't go away.

Right now I am sitting in my newly decorated room. My window is open and I can hear the rain hitting the pavement. I am listening to the Vitamin String Quartet Pandora station-a definite favorite. I am enjoying this perfect moment: the peaceful sound of rain mixed with a relaxing day off. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

I am just slightly excited about the fact that Fall is just around the corner. Yes today is only September 2nd. And yes today it was 80* outside, but that does not stop me from dreaming of and planning out my fall. What does fall mean to me? Well I am glad you asked!

1. Style. There is just something about Fall that brings out the best fashion. And because its fashion week, I am in complete heaven. Here are a few of my favorites for fall.

That jacket! Give me give me give me! I need I need!

2. Pumpkins. White Pumpkins. So simple yet so perfect.

3. Coffee. Iced Coffee has been great these past few months, but I am so ready for a warm cup in my hand!

4. Studying. Its my senior year and I know I will be spending lots of time on homework, but it will be worth every minute.

There are just a few things I love about fall. Can't wait to actually experience these wonderful things. See you soon Fall!