Tuesday, July 15, 2014

living at the lake

That's basically what I have been doing lately. Everyday for that past week its been near 90 degrees so naturally I have been at the lake almost daily. Sometimes life calls for a swim, but on the weekends I like to vary it up a bit. Since I started my new office job (more on that later!), weekends have taken on a whole new meaning. Like, I have to make the most of them! This weekend was most definitely that!

 On Saturday my mother and I rented a double kayak. While our coordination still needs some work, the idea of being out on the water with my mom is just the best. And if that wasn't enough, I decided I needed to go paddle boarding on Sunday. I mean it was HOT this weekend. I went with a great friend who had never been. I kept telling her it really wasn't that hard and she would be great. I then made the giant mistake of telling her that I have been paddle boarding multiple times and never fallen off. Well lets just say pride comes before a fall...literally. I think my center of gravity must have been really off on Sunday because I fell in not once, not twice, but three times. Ha! Every time I came up laughing at myself. But hey, it felt SO good. The water practically felt warm because of how hot its been. The hardest part was just getting back on the board, otherwise the falling in part was lovely! 
Needless to say, I am trying to make visiting the lake a daily thing. I know that when I move I am going to miss it so much! But until then, 10pm swims and the joys falling off my paddle board will just have to continue.

Stay cool my friends.

1 comment:

samara said...

Hahaha! Oh no! But looks like fun :)