Saturday, October 4, 2014

times, they are a changin'

I can't believe the last time I posted was almost 3 months ago. Woops. I was a little busy, I guess.

And by busy, I mean I moved! Ha! Sarah, the girl who always wanted life to look the same and always planned on living in the greater Seattle area...well she doesn't live there anymore. God told me to move, so I did. It's as simple as that. I was nervous and afraid throughout the whole process, but God's abundant grace was upon me the whole time. And just like that I have been living here in Spokane for two weeks already. At first it felt like I was on a trip here and that I'd be going home after a week or two. It's finally starting to settle in that I live here now. Permanently. For 9 months. Or longer. Who knows. I could see God keeping me here for a while. I'm sure He will reveal that to me in due time though. 

I took a walk to a coffee spot today. While walking I was reflecting on life. These 2 weeks have been nothing short of incredible and emotional. I mean I have only been here for a short while, but I feel like I know my new friends so well. It's like we've been friends for years. I am beginning to see the benefit of trusting and obeying God. I am daily amazed that God would bring me here and plant me in such a wonderful place. However I do miss my family back home. I cry a lot. But I also smile a lot because I know God is so good. He has me here for a purpose. I was made for this. These past 2 years have stretched me so much. For the longest time I was frustrated and didn't understand why I had to go through what I did. Then I realized God has been preparing me for this new season of life.

Our class just got back from a week long retreat. It was so great. One day we had the option of doing a high ropes/ climbing coarse. Being the competitive and somewhat tenacious girl I am, I decided to do it. At first it was pretty easy, but as I climbed higher and higher I got weaker. At one point I was just hanging and taking a little breather before trying to finish the course. I was really having a difficult time. I was so close to the top, but not quite there. The people on he ground asked me if I wanted to be let down. I don't know where it came from, but this strong "NO!" came out of my mouth. It was at that time that I realized something. I am not a quitter. There have been so many times in these past 2 years I could have easily given up...and even had good reasons too. But that's not me. I don't quit. Even when things get tough, through the strength of the Lord, I keep on going. God has great things for me. How awful would it be if I just gave up because at one point in time things got tough?

I read this quote on Ann Voskamps blog the other day. "The hard things will be for good. The good things will be forever. The best things are forthcoming." This inspires me to keep going. God only knows what lies ahead. While there may be hard things in the future, there are definitely good things awaiting me. 

I am so grateful to be on this new adventure & will continue to keep you all posted.


Ashley said...

This is just the best. I am SO beyond happy for you. xoxo

Kayla Janine said...

This is super exciting Sarah! Way to go!

samara said...

Oh Sar! This is so beautifully said - I'm tearing up! But I am so excited for you! [AND MISS YOU TONS!]